A lot of online businesses tend to think that after creating and listing products for sale, the job is done. Realistically however, creating and selling items is only half the story; an impression has to be made.
Because packaging items to be shipped is usually the first experience customers receive for a business, a good packaging job can be the difference in brand loyalty and one time purchase.
The Ecommerce Packing Survey of U.S. Consumers from last year reveals that retailers adopting premium packaging benefit in marketing, customer loyalty and advertising. And when it is executed as a proper strategy, premium packing can translate into positive results when it comes to raising public awareness of retail brands. 52% consumers were also found more likely to give repeat business to e-retailers delivering orders in premium packaging.
Good news is without requiring a fortune; the following best practices can equally awe customers:
Distinctive materials and shapes
The shape of the package has a strong influence on the perceive value of consumers; it can signal that the product stands out from the competition. A product’s packaging and package material can be fine-tuned to resemble something consumers would find that particular product in.
Bzzz Honey’s puzzle-based packaging is an ideal example. The outlook of the package and the wooden materials references the honey inside in its natural state. Being able to relate to the actual product through the package sets the tone for consumers.
Printed graphics
A custom box with printed graphics is one of the most convenient options for an online business to differentiate its brand. The cost is often less than expected, yet the impression on end-consumers is valuable.
Online e-commerce giant Amazon uses this approach for its subsidiary AmazonFresh. Consumers ordering fresh grocery and local products for next day delivery receive green colored packages with the graphic label giving an impressing of fresh produce.
Eco friendly
Consumers are more impressed by companies that care for the environment – ordering products in eco-friendly packaging gives them an opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint. E-businesses can rely on corrugated box options that feature eco-friendly packaging material such as recycled fiber. Eco-credibility of a packaging box supplier can be validated through verified videos and certifications.
Walmart adopted greener packaging for its online and brick and mortar sales in recent times. Not only it’s allowing them to adopt a sustainable approach, but improving their brand image in the eyes of the society. One of their packaging boxes called Ecoslide-RX is made from 100% recyclable materials, and it contains a secondary package that doesn’t include any plastic. When big companies take such initiatives, everyone should pay attention.
Want to go that extra mile? Consider investing in packaging that brings in functionality and adds value for end users. For example, students are more likely to order from a retailer whose package, when emptied, can be used to carry books to school/college, or function as a lunch box.
The Bzzz Honey package mentioned before can serve as a fruit or pencil box container when the actual product has been consumed. Not only has such packaging worked to give consumers a whole new function, it has also encouraged repeat purchases for practicing brands.
At the end of the day, a combination or even a few of these strategies can result in packaging that improves the company’s bottom line.
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