Juiced Orange

Seth shows us how we’re sucking all the juice out. I’m attracted to this idea, not only for the obvious citrus connections, but because it matches up perfectly with the underlying concepts behind the Human Talk series.

Almost everything you do has some sort of copyediting filter. It might be the legal eagle or the graphic supervisor or the customer service police. They’re excellent at making round things fit perfectly through round holes.

Boring and ignored is fine with them, because no one complains.

Consumers are changing the way they want to interact with their brands. They want brands with personality, not some boring, watered down, run and hide when the party starts brand.

Don’t squeeze out all the juice. We want brands with flavor.


This post is part of the Human Talk series. 

If you would like to contribute your good or bad Human Talk examples, Email me. I’ll accept photos, stories, videos, audio, etc. and give credit where credit is due.